First, you have to know I have amnesia and a scientific break through is going to allow me to remember one memory. I now have to make the hard decision of what memory to pick. I now have thought long and hard on the best memory of my short life.
The memory I picked is when my sister, my mom, my dad, my grandmother, and my grandfather went to the beach. I picked this memory for many reasons. One reason is this was my last memory with my grandfather and, this is my grandfather’s last trip the beach. My grandfather had cancer when we went on this trip. He never felt well the whole trip. Once we got back from the trip he died a few months later. I didn’t get to see him again before he died.
I also want to remember this trip, because I always want to know what the beach is like. I love the sound of the waves crashing on the beach and the seagulls singing their wonderful song. I love to go running in the warm, soft, blue ocean water. The feeling of gritty, white sand beneath your feet and between your toes makes me feel so warm and happy. I also like the smell of the air. The smell of the air smells so good you can’t describe it.
The last reason for picking this memory is to remember my family. Since, my mom, my dad, and sister were in the memory I will remember them to. I love my parents they are my heroes. When ever I need something they are there. When ever I feel sad they make me happy by telling a joke or something. They took care of me while was growing up. My sister may hit me, slap me, or kick me, but she still is my sister and I love her.
I have thought long and hard on my decision. I have thought out my reasons. I think I have picked the best memory out of my twelve and a half years. The memory I picked is my best one.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
One Last Memory
Posted by
7:10 AM
Friday, March 7, 2008
The Holocaust
Mrs. Chapman always has a reason for teaching us things. Mrs. Chapman has very good reasons for teaching our class about the Holocaust and Anne Frank. She is trying to teach us that everybody isn't good and there is bad in the world outside our lives. She trying to get us to understand that people are people no matter the race, color, or size.
No matter what people think things like this are happening in the world this instant. People are killing someone because they are different than them. Just like in the Holocaust Hitler killed innocent Jews because they were different. I think that he Hitler insane and the people who followed him. When I really start to think it was all Hitler's fault because he brain washed his people.
Another reason for Mrs. Chapman teaching us about the Holocaust is don't listen to people who ideas are wrong, but sense everybody else is doing you have to do it. People are their own self and don't do something wrong, because your best friend is doing. People also have to respect each other. People need respect that other people think and believe different things. If you don't things like the Holocaust will happen.
If people in our day and age need to learn from people like Mrs. Chapman that doing things like killing people because they are different wrong. If the kids of our generation learn this we can avoid another Holocaust and our lives will be a lot happier. The kids in our class will hopefully start that generation.
Posted by
10:37 AM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The Five Most Important Jobs
Oh, my goodness North Korea has just hit the whole world with an A bomb. It back fired and didn't kill everybody. I lived and i hope some other grownups did too. We need at least five important jobs. The five are doctor, leader, scientist, farmer, and carpenter.
We have to have a doctor for people who are hurt or sick. If we didn't have a doctor the world would be a mess. It would be hard to live without one. We would defently need a leader to help the people who lived or everybody would fight. A leader could prevent fighting among people and unite the living.
A scientist would help the quality of life. He could reinvent things like cars, planes, electricity, and all sorts of things. A farmer would be very helpful to life on Earth. He could reeshtablish agriculture. The very little food we had would become aboundant. Last we would need a carpenter. He could help people build selters. He could also be very helpful with making permanant homes and teach people how to do it themselves.
If you had an occupation of those five please help the world. I don't want to die because I'm sick, starvation, or die in a war.
Posted by
8:40 AM
Monday, January 21, 2008
I Would Really like to be a Dog!
If I had to be an animal I think I would be a dog. A dog would fit me best. A dog would be an awesome animal. I would be a dog, if I had to.
A dog would be a good animal because it has a relatively easy life (unless you were a wild dog). All you would have to do is sit around, chase squirrels and other creatures, eat, sleep, and be sweet. Everybody likes sweet, cute, and lovable dogs. I could run all over the place. I could chase animals and play fetch.
I also could do stuff like lay down all the time (like one of my dogs). He just sleeps, eats, and when he wants to be rubbed he just walks up to you slowly and has this cutest face that you can't resist. I could play with other dogs and not get in trouble for being to rough. I could do adorable tricks like beg, shake, and roll over. I wouldn't have to go to school and do home work. I wouldn't have to clean my room or have to clean up after myself. If I didn't like something I could tear it to shreds.
I think I would be happy as a dog. Of course, how could I know what dogs life is like? But for now, I think a dog is the best animal for me. Now for what animal Mrs. Chapman should be. I think Mrs. Chapman would be a very good lion. For many reasons like if you do something wrong she will eat you a live, but that's just one reason.
Mrs. Chapman would be a lion. She would eat you a live if you give her a dumb answer, wear a hat in the building during school, you don't follow the dress code, or you do something wrong. She is a good teacher and I learn a lot from her, but she can get very mad. She gives people no mercy if they fail a test, forget your homework, or if you yell out during class (like I do). She has a very short temper that kind of thing (just like a lion has a short a short temper).
She also can be nice if you learn how she does stuff and know what to expect. A lion can be nice if you learn its nature. A lion is the king of all cats. Mrs. Chapman is the queen of giving work.
Mrs. Chapman would defently be a lion. She can be nice and mean. But over all Mrs. Chapman would be the best lion there ever was and will be.
Posted by
9:28 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Mr. Mick Vick
I'm so disgusted with Micheal Vick. How could anyone lie about hurting an innocent dog? Then while on bail go smoke dope. He is a mad man who needs to be locked up.
His parents must have taught him wrong, because his brother Marcus is just as bad. He has no morals or respect for people or animals. I really and truly think it is deeper than no morals. I think he has a mental condition. There is no way that you can wet a dog down and electrocute a dog who doesn't know right from wrong. The dog was only trained to fight (which is a bad thing) and when you kill a dog, because it doesn't fit your standards you are sick in the head.
I had hoped he would have been locked up for life, but he got off with a mere 23 months. There should be harsher penalties for torchering a loving caring animal like a dog. I feel strongly that Micheal Vick got off so easy that he should be counting his blessings (in jail by the way).
I also think that when he gets out of jail he will go back to old ways and smoke dope and dog fight some more. If Roger Godel lets Mick Vick back into the NFL he is just as sick. Mick Vick should be put in a place for crazy people for life. Mick Vick if you read this don't dare go back to the Falcons cause so much grief and agony (and I mean ever, ever, ever again).
Posted by
2:36 PM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
My name is Russell. I have 2 sisters. My mom's name is Laura and my dad's name is Russ. Right now my life is okay. I have a football game to day and i can't wait.
Posted by
8:39 AM